Sunday, October 17, 2010

looking for the sunshine

needless to say, i've been making some huge decisions recently. and i'm so grateful to say, despite the moments when i've felt like everything was falling apart, i know more than anything that everything is happening exactly as it should. that sounds so unbelievably cliche. but it's true. i have a potential unlike anyone else. and i need experiences unlike anyone else to reach that potential. and i've learned this life isn't about just getting by. when the alarm goes off in the morning i need to give TODAY my all. forget about yesterday and what could've been done. stop worrying about'll come whether you stress over it or not. so do what needs to be done and keep going. and as difficult as they are, it's in those moments when i'm falling apart that i've found i grow the most.

lately i've felt like i've been really lazy. and today i realized, yep! i have been pretty lazy. but all that time has given me the opportunity to figure things out. but i think more importantly i've realized that i NEEDED that time...i kinda did fall apart and i finally think i've been able to sort through everything and figure out what i really want, and what i'm willing to do to get there.

so yes i am:

applying to the advertising program at BYU
interning at Disney World this summer
looking into different cosmetology schools
jumping out of bed no matter how late i stayed up the night before
trusting in Him

when all is said and done, this life is NOT about how much money you made or how impressive your degree is or how well you impressed the people you know. but it's definitely easy to get caught up in all that. this life IS about doing all you can to become like Christ. when i lay my head down tonight i want to know that what i did today actually mattered. i want to be happy. not the happiness found at a party or in a new pair of shoes or winning a neck and neck game. the happiness that is found through Him. whether i choose to work at an advertising agency or become a high class hair stylist...well i'll know what is right with time. but as for today or better put, as for now, i need to remember that this life is a journey, not a race. how i get there is so much more important than when. take some time to look for the sunshine in your life.

